Aura Hakuri & Linda Granfors, Venla Helenius & Anna-Sofia Nylund, Kalle & Pauliina Turakka Purhonen, Sasha & Pasha Rotts ja Hanna Saarikoski.
Osana Rönsy-kesänäyttelyä toteutetaan performanssilauantai 31.7. klo 12-18.
Tervetuloa elävän ja ajankohtaisen performanssin maailmaan entiseen kauppakeskus Linnaan heinäkuun lopussa.
SashaPasha klo 12.00 ja klo 17.30
Climbing Roots, Textile Painting
Sijainti: Kauppakeskus Linnan yläkerrassa
The performance is a collaborative work by SASHAPASHA artistic duo (Pavel Rotts, Sasha Rotts). Pavel is climbing the wall using the roots as climbing grips. At the end of the climbing route he reaches the top of the huge shopping mall window to install the biggest tapestry from the Sasha’s Textile Painting series as a flag signifying the conquest of the summit.
In phytology, climbing roots are roots that grow on the above-ground parts of a plant. They function as anchors, affixing the plant to supporting structures such rocks and walls. I am an Ingrian Finn and my family roots are grounded in Leningradskaya oblast – former Ingermanland – the land located along the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. Our connection to this land was cut at the beginning of the Continuation War and my roots are hanging in the air since then. I travelled to the forest near St. Petersburg to collect these roots and brought them to Finland with me.
The initial idea of the Textile Painting project presented at the Rönsy exhibition was inspired by my own collection of photos that I was taking for several years – numerous pictures of so-called social graffiti and overpainted colour spots from the walls of my home city St.Petersburg. Unexpected, bold and sometimes extremely intense combinations of random colours grab my attention and become one of the starting points for the project. Eventually, they appear as the flags of imaginary states.
Venla Helenius & Anna-Sofia Nylund klo 12.30 -13.30 ja 16.00 -17.30
Più mosso – a tribute to the songs of our lives
Sijainti: Kauppakeskus Linnan yläkerrassa Kalle Turakka Purhosen teosten vieressä
Piu mosso – a tribute to the songs of our lives is a one on one performance where the audience members are invited to share their memories of music, songs and rhythms that have moved them.
“I was seven years old and my cousin had given me a mix-tape with New Kids on the Block. I don’t remember the song by heart but I would probably know it if I heard it. My cousin taught me some very cool Hip Hop moves that I still remember today. Up up, down down and three steps aside. I taught my classmates the steps and we counted to eight. We all wore checkered shirts when we showed the choreography at the Christmas party in our school.”
“I had just seperated from my partner and this person was playing a gig in a nearby park. The name of the artist was Anastasia and they played synth pop. I danced and cried. My bike got stolen, because I forgot to lock it. I danced for maybe 4 hours. I don’t know how Anastasia had the energy to play such a long gig. I remember the lyrics were something like: “Let’s go to the moon mother fucker.”
Hanna Saarikoski klo 12.45-14.45 ja 15.30-17.00
Sijainti: Sibeliuksen syntymäkodin vieressä, sisäpihalla
Toivomuslähde, pitkäkestoinen ja vuorovaikutteinen performanssi, pulppuilee ja rönsyää moninaisia toiveita peilaten.
Kalle ja Pauliina Turakka Purhonen klo 13.15-16.00
Sijainti: Kauppakeskus Linnan yläkerrassa Anssi Taulun ja Aura Hakurin teosten välissä
Aura Hakuri & Linda Granfors klo 14.00-16.00
Varasto – kaikki tarpeelliset ja tarpeettomat performanssitavarat
Sijainti: Reskan puoleisen sisäänkäynnin viereisessä näyteikkunassa ja sen läheisyydessä
Varasto on pitkäkestoinen performanssi, joka koostuu installaatiosta ja sen sisällä tapahtuvista teoista.
Varasto on outojen esineiden ja tapahtumien kohtaamispaikka, missä arki kohtaa absurdin.
Vapaa pääsy / Free admission
Yhteistyössä Ars-Häme ry ja Hämeenlinnan kaupunki, Kortteli2.